Marking National Rural Health Day: The Recovery of Lakeland Community Hospital
The one constant we've been privileged to observe during our over 35 years in healthcare IT is the remarkable passion, commitment, and self-sacrifice of the doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers who staff this country's rural hospitals.

On numerous occasions, and especially during the pandemic, we have watched them perform the most remarkable feats of service, often with only a fraction of the resources available to other health systems.

This culture of responsibility and community was never more evident than at Lakeland Community Hospital. As National Rural Health Day approaches, we'd like to use this post to tell the story of that culture and of the men and women who, throughout the potential closure of their town's historic hospital, worked through the holidays with the single-minded purpose of saving their patients, colleagues, and neighbors.

We'd also like to take some of the insights we've collected from partner hospitals like Lakeland, the National Rural Health Association (NRHA), as well as other healthcare organizations invested in improving the healthcare outlook for rural populations and present them as a consolidated strategy for rural providers, many of whom are contending with similar challenges.

More here.

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