01-25-2022, 07:38 AM
OSF HealthCare, an Illinois-based integrated health system, utilizes CareSignal's Deviceless Remote Patient Monitoring to expand its digital-first footprint to improve rising-risk patient's health.
This case study will cover how OSF Healthcare:
"We know that we would not be connecting with many of these patients if it were not for the CareSignal tool.”
- Abby Lotz MSN, RN, Vice President of Clinical Care, CNO of Digital Health, OSF HealthCare
This case study will cover how OSF Healthcare:
- Improved chronic disease outcomes, including 83% of COPD patients
- Most CareSignal enrollees agree that OSF HealthCare's communication has improved
- Utilized data from 13,877 Alerts to provide early intervention
"We know that we would not be connecting with many of these patients if it were not for the CareSignal tool.”
- Abby Lotz MSN, RN, Vice President of Clinical Care, CNO of Digital Health, OSF HealthCare