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Accelerating Life Sciences with Imaging RWD

OneMedNet provides research and regulatory-ready, image-centric data that others cannot.  No matter the complexity, the specificity, or the diversity – we curate and present the right data, at the right time, in the right format to Life Science Innovators.

Visit us at RSNA in AI Showcase (booth #4929)

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Superior Data Begins with a Superior Network


A Provider Network Full of Advantages

Over 200 healthcare systems and providers have joined the OneMedNet iRWD network; their experience is compelling.

  • Local patients (and diversity) included in clinical studies
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic innovations advanced
  • Data licensing income funds projects
  • Near zero resource investment (human or capital)
Read About One iRWD Network Partner →

Why are Life Sciences
Choosing OneMedNet iRWD?

Accelerates “Research to Market” Timelines
Providing required data without delay.

Improves Life Science Solution EffectivenessProviding much-needed data diversity and volume.

Reduces Development Cost
Time to market reduced and expensive clinical trials supplemented or eliminated.


Why are Life Sicences Choosing OneMeNet iRWD?

Accelerates “Research to Market” Timelines
Providing required data without delay.

Improves Life Science Solution Effectiveness
Providing much-needed data diversity and volume.

Reduces Development Cost
Time to market reduced and expensive clinical trials supplemented or eliminated.


Why are Life Sciences
Choosing OneMedNet iRWD?

The Difference is in the Data


Data is regulatory-grade with uncommon depth

Advances in data sciences now enable the use of RWD to complement, reduce, and in some cases, replace clinical trials.

OneMedNet provides insight-rich data which meet the most demanding requirements for advanced analysis and regulatory submission – requirements that are analogous to prospective clinical trials.  OneMedNet iRWD enables the enrollment of under-served populations into clinical research.  This de-identified image-centric data is used in Discovery, Development, Regulatory Approval, and Post-Market Surveillance.


Data meets complex and precise specifications

OneMedNet’s in-house clinical expert team possesses the specialized expertise to understand subtle request distinctions and multi-layer requirements.

Simply put – no one can match our curation abilities and the resulting data product as we precisely match all cohort protocol details and data delivery format.

Moreover, OneMedNet not only provides images but, in many cases, complete patient jackets as well. Our healthcare partner network r/can be tapped at any time to further studies through ongoing proactive imaging monitoring or retroactive patient information mining.  Our native provider data enables an encyclopedic volume of data access – for initial and follow-up studies.

"Advancing Healthcare with iRWD"

Life science companies all share certain common goals with their patient care solutions.

Improving safetyefficacyspeed to marketcost efficiency

However, the solutions that are benefitting from iRWD utilization cover a full spectrum.

Imaging Modalities

Lab Testing
In Vivo Testing

Predictive Analytics
Image Enhancement
Image Visualization



The OneMedNet Difference

OneMedNet has been a leader in the business of extracting, securing, and transferring medical data for 12+ years.  Doing so requires specialized expertise in:

  • Compliancy (HIPAA, GDPR, 21 Part11)
  • Advanced privacy & security measures
  • Clinical patient condition(s) and hospital processes
  • Radiology interpretation
  • AI/ML technology

Attaining in-house expertise in all essential elements is quite a challenge and deters many organizations from even attempting such a venture.  We take pride in this ambitious achievement – while continually working to maintain state-of-the-art expertise.

OneMedNet strictly adheres to the highest level of professional and ethical standards and applicable regulations throughout all interactions and activities.

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Learn about iRWD for Life Science

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